Joint Liability Loans

Community-based Credit

  • 1) Create a Group

    Add your friends / coworkers as coborrowers. Simply add them from your contact list.

  • 2) KYC Details

    Just 3 Documents required for KYC - Aadhaar, PAN and salary proof.

  • 3) Loan Approved

    Get your loan approved instantly! With flexible payment tenure.

Fee And Charges

Charge Type - Micro Loans Details
Processing Fee 2% on loan amount (Including Taxes)
Annual Interest Rate Up to 33%
Loan Limit 5000-200000
Repayment Tenure 6 to 24 Months
Repayment/EMI Bounce Charges Nil
Penal Charge/Late Payment Charge (LPC) 0.1% of overdue amount per day
Legal/Recovery Charges Nil
Foreclosure Charges Nil
Charges for documents like Statement of Account/Repayment Schedule/Foreclosure Letter Nil